Type | SSR-25DA |
Control Type | DC control AC |
Load Current | 25A |
Selectable load current | 10A,20A,25A,40A,50A,60A,70A,80A,90A,100A,120A |
Load Voltage | 24-380VAC |
Control Voltage | 3-32VDC |
Control Current | 5-20mA |
ON/OFF Time | ≤10mS |
On Voltage | ≤1.6 V |
Off Leakage Current | ≤5mA |
Operating temperature | -30~+75℃ |
Weight | 110g |
Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCB)
Behind all these dream lives, the maintenance of electric energy is inseparable, which increases the...
Date:2023/04/048 differences between DC contactors and AC contactors and precautions for use
In the automatic control system, there is a very important component, which is the contactor. Its fu...